6 ways to improve your blog writing skills

We all know that blogging regularly helps with the online visibility of your business. Every blog post you write and publish is another indexed page for your website and that’s going to help with getting your brand found on Google. Blogging regularly establishes you as a topic authority in your field, builds a relationship with your audience, increases your presence on socials and drives traffic to your website. Establishing a regular blog for your business really is a no-brainer, but if you need a bit of help improving your blog writing skills, I’ve put together a few tips and tricks to help…

1. Think about your audience

What does your ideal client want to read about right now? What problems and issues are they facing? What kind of content are they going to find useful? Your blog posts should always be engaging and helpful to your audience so think about what their pain points are and how you can help solve them. If you have a clear understanding of your audience before you start writing, you’ll have a much better chance of creating a blog post that will capture their attention.

2. Use headlines that grab attention

If you don’t get your headline spot on, chances are people will just scroll on by without stopping to read your post. Spend some time planning your headline and coming up with something that is short and to the point (overly long headlines will always put people off). Remember to include a keyword or phrase that will connect with your ideal client. Using a question in your headline can be a good way to engage the reader, as are how-to headlines and those promising tips and tricks e.g. ‘6 ways to improve your blog writing skills.’ See what I did there?

3. Pay attention to layout

If the layout of your post is cluttered and messy, this will put your reader off at first glance. It’s important to break the text up with subheadings and images, so that the page is easily scannable for the reader. Keep your sentences short, easy to read and avoid jargon at all costs! Make sure your blog post is mobile friendly too, as that’s how the majority of your audience will be viewing it.

4. Remember SEO

If you’ve read my previous blog post on SEO, you’ll know that Google is all about providing the best experience possible for the user and if you’re putting out quality content on a regular basis that’s going to help the ranking of your site. Of course, when you’re writing your blog you should think about SEO and make sure that you are including the right keywords in the right places. If you need any help with the SEO side of things make sure you have a read of my previous blog post ‘Top tips for producing SEO-friendly copy.’

5. Include facts and figures

We all love a bit of research and adding some stats to your blog post to reinforce your point can really help to make an impact. For example, did you know that a recent study by BlogHubspot found that blogging regularly led to a staggering 55% more website visitors and 97% more inbound links? No? I bet that’s made you stop and think though! Including the right kinds of facts and figures in your blog post helps its credibility and demonstrates that you really know your stuff!

6. Add pictures

Choosing the right images to go with your blog post can make all the difference. The image is often the first thing your reader sees, even before they read your headline! If your chosen image isn’t visually appealing, you’ll have lost your audience before they’ve even started reading. Select images that are going to add value to your post and illustrate the points you’re making. If you’re writing a how-to style post, it’s the perfect opportunity to include a visual step by step guide for your reader. If you’re struggling to find the right kind of images for your posts, there’s a whole range of stock image sites out there, so have a Google and see what you can find.

Need some extra help?

If you’re struggling with your business blog, I can help! I offer a range of packages from fully outsourced blog writing, to power hours to help get you started. Whatever your budget or requirements, there’s a blog package to suit you. To find out more, check out my Services page, or drop me an email, I’d love to hear from you!

Julie Haworth